Not all TV shows and movies are available for download, so you may see the Download icon Download icon for some titles but not others.

If you don't see the Download icon for any TV shows or movies, there may be a problem with your device, or downloading may not be available on your device. Follow the steps below to fix the problem.

Please Note: Deleting the Acorn TV app will also delete any TV shows or movies you have downloaded. 

  1. From the home screen, tap and hold the Acorn TV app.

  2. Tap Remove app > Delete app > Delete.

  3. Open the App Store and search for "Acorn TV."

  4. Tap on the Acorn TV app.

  5. To install the app, tap the cloud icon.

NOTE: You might need to enter your Apple ID and password. If you forgot your Apple ID or password, go to the Apple support site for help.

Once installed, try downloading a show again.